The collective is a group of 20-25 volunteer youth staff each of whom has a key and keeps the space open for one 3-hour shift per week.
The collective meets every Monday night at 7:00, and together we make all the decisions regarding the space, build the schedule, create projects and listen to what one another is up to. The Monday meetings are open to all and everyone who comes participates as an equal. We make decisions consensually and everything is open for discussion.
Can I join the collective?
Sure thing. If you are interested in being part of the collective, just hang around, get to know everyone, come to meetings, and after a while, once you understand the place and how you can contribute, ask us at a collective meeting.
What’s consensus?
We eschew the tyranny of the majority in favour of compromise (we don’t vote, we decide together). And that nobody is the boss of anybody else. Come talk to us for more information.